Explore how the SOJC’s Engaged Journalism class, directed by Professor Andrew DeVigal, partners with local communities to assess their information needs, fostering trust and understanding through innovative educational practices. This approach teaches journalism and emphasizes the importance of listening and
Source: SOJC

UO report examines how journalists can regain public trust
What’s driving that growing sense of distrust in the media? And what might be done to repair it? Those questions are at the heart of a year-long research project from the SOJC.
Agora to host engaged journalism workshops
To broaden the impact of the emerging community of engaged journalism practitioners, the Agora Journalism Center will be hosting engagement workshops across the United States with the support of a $100,000 grant from the Democracy Fund.
Engaging News Project comes to SOJC’s Agora Journalism Center
Center for Media Engagement, formerly known as The Engaging News Project, strives to find ways that the U.S. news media can more effectively empower the public to “understand, appreciate and participate in the democratic exchange of ideas” by testing web-based strategies for informing audiences, promoting discourse, helping people to understand diverse views and analyzing business outcomes.
Solutions Journalism Network launches Portland chapter at Agora event
Solutions journalism crafts rigorous and fact-driven stories documenting credible responses to societal problems. Rather than the traditional approach of reporting solely on things that have gone wrong, this type of journalism focuses on both what is working and what is not, delving deeper into the why and how.
Tap into playfulness to engage the public
Engagement Lab’s Eric Gordon talks about the commonalities between his unique perspective on civic engagement and Agora Journalism Center’s mission to “articulate a vision and practice of journalism inextricably linked to the health of our democracy.”