Engaged Journalism: Listening to Salem’s Hispanic Community

Working with the Sustainable City Year Program (SCYP) and the City of Salem, our Engaged Journalism course set out to understand how information flows through Salem’s Hispanic community. Through surveys, conversations with 80 students, and visits to Salem, we identified key community information needs. These insights aim to improve information access and foster better community engagement in Salem’s Hispanic community.

This report is part of a series of information needs assessments conducted across various communities in Oregon, including La Pine, Hermiston, and Rogue Valley. Our latest focus on Salem’s Hispanic community offers fresh insights into how information flows through this vibrant and diverse population, highlighting key areas for improvement and providing actionable recommendations.

Key Insights:

  • Digital Platforms as Primary Information Sources: Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook (for the 18 and older group) are major channels for news and information.
  • Information Channels: 36% of residents primarily share information among coworkers and classmates, gravitating towards personal networks and social media.
  • Media Literacy and Bilingual Resources: There is a need for enhanced media literacy and availability of information in both English and Spanish.
  • Trusted Local News Outlets: Local radio stations like La Campeona, El Rey, and Radio Poder remain trusted sources of information.
  • Top Concern: K-12 education was highlighted as the primary issue by half of the participants.


  • Youth Engagement and Enhance Media Literacy: Recommendations include creating youth-centric journalism programs and leveraging influencers distributed on Instagram and TikTok
  • Developing Bilingual Resource Guides: To be distributed in community centers, schools, and other popular gathering places
  • Creating a Centralized Online Information Hub: To provide easy access to local news and resources in collaboration with local news outlets and leveraging bilingual radio stations
  • Fostering Partnerships: Between local media outlets and community organizations to enhance information dissemination

To read the full report and explore our detailed findings and recommendations, click the “Read The Report” link to the right.